Finally found the mental space to write a blogpost – Everything is fine; change is not easy and we are all trying to handle it like a pro! Feels like it has been ages since the last time I painted but many things have happened. Not just our big move and things related to that but I had a little ‘injury’ on my back which I need to fix now by ‘taking care of myself.’ I am very excited for organizing my new studio in our home; one part of the living room will be divided -which requires some kind of construction that I need to figure out and of course the tables and my supplies should arrive to complete the space. Another thing I should look into is finding a new art community; I’m nervous about it because this city is huge! It is not surprising to see a lot going on in every corner but which one is right for me, where do I begin?? Also, going from A to B can be challenging here; have you heard of the crazy traffic of Bangkok?? In addition to the hot and humid weather? Best combo is to stay put, haha! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not already complaining! Just giving you a snapshot of the things on top of my list to figure out. Maybe I should begin organizing the website while things are going slow here…and if you are wondering all the cool things I’m finding while running errands; check out my Instagram stories @ art.renkli