I know, I know…it has been quite awhile since I shared what I’m up to via newsletter, blog post or social media but there was an obstruction like a thin cloud over me. Of course ‘things’ may not always go as planned but I feel like it was something else – not ‘new place’ situation either, so I think obstruction is the right word. Is it gone now, maybe…maybe not?? Maybe morphed into something else as it has accomplished its purpose. Not sure if anybody would understand what I’m talking about here 🙂 so maybe I should move on to my point: things are pretty settled in the sense that: house is fixed, our belongings have delivered, studio is built and (somewhat) ready – I was already painting, even though I don’t have the same momentum as in the past few years, but things were getting into the paper and canvases. I guess this is called moving forward, which happened with intervals and it was blended into my daily chaos so much that I think I considered them as part of my daily life. While I was looking for to get my own routine, realized there is a new one formed beyond my control. I feel like once I transform my ‘thing’, everything will fall into its place. Until then, I’m continuing to move forward!